Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My very first Fun Post

Have you ever seen a beggar before? Well, if you did, answer me this: did you give him or her money? Many people I know said no to this, because of their parents, they are busy, and many other reasons. A lot of people just ignore beggars, or worse, say bad things about them. However, it isn't exactly their fault that they are beggars. True, they might've not studied or tried, but they could've been born in a beggar's family. What I'm trying to say in this fun post is that we should help people more often. Isn't helping each other the main rule we should keep as a human being?
Say that you saw a dog and a cat lying down like that on the street, "begging" for whatever they want to beg for. You'd probably just laugh, take pictures and all that rather than think what they really are trying to tell. True, they would really just be taking the form of a beggar while sleeping, but I think that this picture let me think and understand many things, and I'm hoping that not just me but many other people will get the message straight and try to help people more often.